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Hear Our Performance In This Video

Find out how our bandpass filter worked at a POTA (Parks on the Air) activation on July 9th, 2024.

In the video, you will see the close proximity of antennas and transmitters used with our 20M bandpass filter that KD9QXL used and made the most contacts during the day with.   His son used my callsign W9PIO on 10M with our 10M bandpass filter while I monitored and took a video of our POTA activation.  10M was slow, but 20M received a lot of contacts.

No RF interference happened to either operator while transmitting on either the 857D or 991A.   Antennas where no more than one car length apart.

Watch the video and then Shop Our Products.

POTA activation at Tomorrow River State Trail in Ogdensburg, WI.  

POTA Park # US-9815

Competitor Comparison

C3 Electronics LLC

20M Bandpass Filter

  • SWR 1.028

  • Inserrtion Loss 0.69 dB

  • Test Frequency 14.320 MHz

Company began in May 2024 and has several bandpass filters in stock ready to ship on these bands:

10 M  - 15M  -  17 M

20M  -  40M  -  60M  -  80M

Testing a C3 Electronics Bandpass Filter
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Dunestar 20M Filter

  • SWR 1.286

  • Insertion Loss 3.35 dB

  • Test Frequency 14.040 MHz

Company closure in 2023 (See Note below)

Testing a Dunestar Bandpass Filter
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Nano Reading
Nano VNA Readings
 Statement of Dunestar Systems Closure
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